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How to Get Ahead of the Competition

How to Get Ahead of the Competition

How to Get Ahead of the Competition – Blog

What I am hearing from Consultants, Business & Executive Coaches right now indicates:

  • most are worried about what is going to happen in the next 6-12 months
  • some are concerned about a full-on second wave 
  • many are unsure about the impact of the economic downturn on their clients and what this might mean for them

There is no deigning that the next 6 to 12 months is still very uncertain for consulting and coaching services and these worries and concerns are probably on your mind too.

What’s more, there is likely to be a flood of new consultants and coaches entering the marketplace over the coming months as the tidal wave of redundancies takes holds. It’s not if this is going to happen, it is just when it is going to happen.

It might feel like the odds are stacked against you but this will bring opportunities for some and competition for others.

Whatever your situation is right now, scrambling to scale up with speed, or needing to find new clients fast, now is the time to get ahead of the competition. The way to do this is to review, refresh, and relaunch your services with what the market needs right now.

To stand the very best chance of surviving and thriving, then what you will need is a lean, nimble, and agile business model. Along with a service offering that is relevant to the marketplace and marketing messages that relate to their current problems. You will need to appeal to clients that are willing and able to pay you what you’re worth.

There are plenty of opportunities for consulting and coaching services right now so get ahead of the competition.

If you don’t want to leave it to chance, I can help you stack the odds in your favour and get ahead of the competition.

To book a FREE 30min strategy call with me, click on the link below and save your spot.


I look forward to chatting with you soon and helping make the most of the opportunities right now.

Stay safe,


Need More help?

If you are a new or experienced consultant, executive or business coach and want to grow faster then here are a few ways I can help you.

1. Join the Consultants Hub (FB Group)  https://www.facebook.com/groups/R360GrowthHub/ Connect with other consultants and coaches who are growing fast, earning more, and happy to share their experience.

2. Grab a copy of the most popular download, Nail Your Niche https://www.results360.biz/free-downloads/

3. Book a 30-min Strategy Session and let me help you put a plan together to move you forward faster. https://calendly.com/anne-oreilly.

My name is Anne O’Reilly. I help service-based businesses start, grow and scale with ease and speed.

Having made the journey myself, I know how hard it is to make the transition from expert employee to profitable business owner.

Our business training and coaching programmes go way beyond just helping clients find high-value clients. We also show them how to price and package their services; sell with ease, not sleaze; systematise their business and then scale beyond yourself.

If you want to generate more money, have more impact and freedom then book a strategy call and let me help you get started.